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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sudan Exports Political Conflicts!

Chad's President Idriss Deby accuses Sudan of fomenting conflicts in country and the region. Deby says Sudan is exporting its war into Chad during a meeting in the Chadian capital city of N’djamena, with members of the UN Security Council, touring Africa to encourage conflicts' resolutions.

Deby condemned Sudan saying the threat to the security of his country and the entire central African region was the work of Khartoum.

As the Chadian President spoke in his heavily guarded palace in central N’djamena to the visiting Security Council diplomats, soldiers and plainclothes agents with automatic weapons stood outside the room.

Three months ago, rebels entered N’djamena and tried to overthrow President Deby, before being forced back by loyal troops.

Deby accuses Sudan of backing those rebels, but a UN refugee agency said at the moment; both countries openly support rebel activities against the other.

The Sudanese dictatorial regime which lead by what's so called the Islamic National fronts played the principle role in bringing Deby to power 16 years ago through the same tactics of military coup, the Sudanese dictators used to overthrow the third allegedly called DEMOCRACY.

Deby's party was called the Patriotic Salvation Movement, the same way the Islamic National Front called its ruling council. Sudanese dictators supported him because he came from Zaghawa ethnic group which spreads between Sudan and Chad and because he came with the same alleged Islamic political orientations.

During a 1987 confrontation between Chad and Libya in which Libya spread its military forces in the Chadian's North region, Hussein Habre accused Deby of preparing a coup, so the later fled after 1989 first to Libya and then to Sudan where he formed the Patriotic Salvation Movement, as insurgent group supported by Libya and Sudan. In 2 December 1990 his troops entered N'djamena.

Relations between Sudan and Chad are very poor and cross-borders fighting have made life in the region intolerable, BBC says.

Violence has got worse in Chad, the UN says, since the change of the constitution, which spreads the chances for the recent president to stand for an unlimited number of terms in office.

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