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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ethiopian Troops Drove Somalis Militias to the Sea

Somalis transitional government Prime Minister, Ali Mohamed Ghedi has entered the capital Mogadishu heading an armoured convoy, a day after the Somali government's troops backed by the Ethiopian troops drove the militias out of the capital city of Somalia, BBC said.

Cheering crowds lined the streets to welcome the Somalis PM, who has declared a three months period of martial law. Some Somalis threw stones as the convoy and protested against Ethiopia but they fled when the forces opened fire on the air.

Ghedi said "Today is the beginning of a new life, new stabilisation and a new future for Somalia." He told the crowds that he believes most of the so called Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) militias were destroyed in the fighting. Thousands militiamen loyal to the UIC have now fled the city towards the sea where their second stronghold lies in the port of Kismayo. One of their leaders said they will never leave Somalia.

Ghedi held talks with clan leaders. He called for their cooperation and he said "This country has experienced anarchy and in order to restore security we need a strong hand, especially with freelance militias."

Meanwhile, Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyom Mesfin has flown by helicopter to Baidoa for talks. He said the situation in Somalia is stable and very promising.

The African Union has called for Ethiopian troops to leave the country, while Ghedi said the Ethiopian troops will leave when they complete their help to the government to bring stability. Security Council failed to agree on a statement calling for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Somalia, BBC said.

News says the UN flights are due to resume to Somalia today, after being suspended during the past week because of the fighting. The UN estimates about 30,000 people have been displaced during the fighting and causalities have been high.

Earlier this month UN reports say that at least 8,000 Ethiopian troops may be in the country, while rival Eritrea is said to have deployed some 2,000 troops in support of the UIC. News said the Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki denied his country had troops deployed in Somalia.

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