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Friday, August 01, 2008

Security Council Extends UNMIS Mission in Darfur!

The UN Security Council renews the mandate of the peacekeeping multi-units force in the erupted Sudanese region of Darfur. The renewal issued for another year, after resolving a last-minute disputes between members.

The decision had been complicated by the International Criminal Court's move to indict Sudanese President Omer Bashir of crimes in the region, BBC says. (This is nonsense! Read the analyses in the African Journal here)

The resolution notes an African Union request for the Council to postpone the ICC's work but does no more than that. Fourteen of the Council's fifteen members voted in favour but the US abstained, the BBC said.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Sudanese Political Fox is Called NIF

قناة الجزيرة التلفزيونية تعتقد انها ستمتلك عالم الميديا لهذا تحب الدخول الي كل غريب و شاذ علي قاعدة خالف تذكر و حيث يلعب المال القطري دوراً في هذا النوظيف و التوصيف الإعلامي! عجبي من هذه الدنيا! المهم ان القناة سجلت عدداً من الحلقات مع أحد الشخصيات السودانية التي لعبت و ما تزال تلعب دور الثعلب في قضايا السودان المعاصرة

لم يكن أمامي غير الرد المتعاقب عليها بشأن المواطن السوداني المدعو الترابي و حزبه الثعلب الذي غير اسمه كما غير مواقفه أربع مرات في تاريخه

قلت في تعليقي علي الجزيرة و غيرها من وسائل الإعلام الضبابية و عن الترابي و حزبه بالتحديد: مهازل آخر الزمان و التي صنعت لها موقعاً في السودان ضحكاً علي العقول و إستغلالاً لواقع المواطن البسيط المسلم بطبعه و الذي تعرض للتجهيل طوال عقود من الديكتاتوريتين العسكرية و المدنية من أشباه الترابي و الصادق و أمثالهما في دولة يصر مثقفوها علي ان تكون دولة علمانية طالما كانت تشمل هذا التعدد الثقافي و العرقي المعروف. ذلك هو السبب المباشر لكل مشاكل السودان. إقرأ المزيد هنا

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sudan Secret Unfolds!

Sudanese Umma Party and National Congress singed a new agreement that unfold the secret agendas since the coup of 1989, which overthrew the Umma's leader.

Umma Party signed the so-called compromise agreement with the so-called National Congress. National Congress Party is a combination of a dictatorial ruling party, which seized power in 1989 through a coup d'etat by some members of al-Turabi's party in the army.

Sudanese National Alliance (SNA) rejected the so-called compromise agreement and said that there are no new items in it. SNA declared in a statement issued on May 25 that the new agreement is contained in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Convention of Cairo. Sudanese National Alliance described the signing of the agreement as retreat of the Umma Party from what the political powers in the opposition have agreed on, especially the agreement on the electoral law. More than that Sudanese National Alliance considered the new agreement as devoted to religious state because it puts Shariaa jurisprudence (Islamic interpretation to the law) above the law.

Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) announced the party's ideas to emerge from the current political crises in Sudan in a statement issued on May 24. The SCP stressed the party's commitment to implement all agreements signed by the political powers in the opposition and the National Conference. The party calls for solving the Darfur problem by acting towards implementing the demands of the people's movements of Darfur during the past five years.

Read the Afro Journal Blog too.

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Sudanese Music Project for the Squadron of Poets

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